Happy New Year everyone.

Apologies for not replying sooner - I got caught up in updating the a4.

Thorsten Renk wrote:
> Okay, I;m taking your and Stuart's feedback then as input to draft a plan 
> (and I do hope for 3.0 then rather than 2.12).
> The 'classic' terrain rendering could then be organized into quality levels 
> as follows:
> 0) - default skydome, all shader effects off
> 1) - atmospheric light scattering on, no terrain shader effects, only one 
> base texture per terrain type is loaded
> 2) - atmospheric light scattering on, up to three textures per landclass 
> (base, de-tiling/gradient, hires overlay),
> some 8 procedural noise frequencies, terrain pixel postprocessing (snow, 
> dust, wetness,...)
> 3) - atmospheric light scattering on, up to 6  textures per landclass (base, 
> de-tiling/gradient1, hires overlay,
> gradient2, grain overlay, hires dot-noise overlay), full spectrum of 
> procedural Perlin and sparse dot noise frequencies,
> terrain pixel postprocessing
> That'd be one shader per quality level, which is doable to maintain, because 
> these are ubershaders, so there's
> no need to maintain too many distinct terrain effect shaders (currently we 
> would have runway, airport grass cover,
> water and urban in addition - I'm still toying with the idea of writing a 
> fully procedural rock shader though...). Also,
> I can then simplify the structure of the shader code to remove conditionals.

That sounds like an excellent plan.  Let me know how I can help.


> What is also lost is the inverse slope transition (this effect changes for 
> instance a 'Rock' landclass to grass or forest
> appearance if the terrain is not sloped, giving flat mountaintops a grass 
> cover). I dropped this intentionally, because it
> makes the strong assumption that Rock can only exist on steep slopes - 
> inverse slope changes rock on Alaskan
> coastline to forests for instance, also open flat rock can exist in desert 
> areas.

I'm happy with losing this.  I can think of lots of areas of Scotland
with "Rock" on horizontal surfaces.


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