On Thursday, January 17, 2013 13:16:03 Renk Thorsten wrote:
> I've recently come across the idea of using one generic sand or rock texture
> and selecting the particular hue desired by multiplying every pixel value
> with an (rgb) vector - so rather than two different-colored sands, we'd
> just store one texture and three numbers on disk (and potentially in GPU
> memory, although mostly regionalizing means they won't occur together
> usually) and save some space.
> I know materials.xml permits statements like
> <diffuse>
>    <r>0.9</r>
>    <g>0.95</g>
>    <b>0.9</b>
>    <a>1.0</a>
>   </diffuse>
> which seem to be going into that direction - do they actually do anything or
> are they obsolete - I tried to modify one and wasn't able to see that I had
> just set the red channel to zero, but maybe I made a mistake. At which
> point are these values supposed to appear in the shader - gl_Color, or
> gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse perhaps?
> Anyway, with a base texture created from six different overlays, we'd need
> the possibility of passing a rotation vector for every overlay texture
> separately to make this work. Technically it's easy to define the
> corresponding uniform vec3 in the effect files - but in practice this means
> about 18 more slots of uniforms used. Taken together with environment
> sensitivity of the shaders and the strategy to make an ubershader
> configurable from materials.xml rather than have a separate effect for
> every landclass, we might end up having 50+ uniforms being fed into a
> shader.
> I know an uniform is way cheaper than a varying since it doesn't need to be
> tracked per vertex/fragment but only per draw, but is there a definite
> number beyond we should be worrying? A color rotation strategy is not a
> must-have, having an additional 300kb file on disk for a separate texture
> file with colors rotated manually is not so bad a penalty, but it'd be nice
> if there is no problem. Does anyone know for sure?
> Thanks,
> * Thorsten

That goes into gl_Color.

I have found that gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse has issues on some ATI hw/driver 
combinations, in some cases.

The uniform support varies wildly with gpu manufacturer/model/driver. 
(and some report the wrong number)
For example here on an nvidia 8800GT with 313.09 linux driver I have:


There are also quite a few built-in uniforms.


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