I've managed to adapt the model ubershader for Atmospheric Light Scattering in 
the last few days. The results look pretty nice (performance consumption is 
probably not so nice though):


So now we can have atmospheric light scattering skydome, ground fog, sunrise 
light and in addition nice airplane reflection and bump effects. The files are 
now with Emilian for some more testing, but should appear on GIT soon.

The fine print is: This is the *only* model shader effect I will support 
because maintaining the framework is a lot of work, and every shader adds to 
the load. This isn't a limitation for what we can do, as model-combined.eff 
can, as far as I know, do everything one would like to do with a model, i.e. it 
has reflection map, dirt map, normal map and light map. 

But it means airplane creators have to use this effect rather than reflect.eff 
or reflect-bump-spec.eff (or what other combinations we have) for this to work, 
so if the plane doesn't declare model-combined.eff, it will still not work in 
atmospheric light scattering. 

Even for planes which do declare this effect, normal mapping still requires to 
generate tangents and binormals, and the <generate> tag resides airplane-side. 
So airplane-side, a <generate>-statement with a technique number 4 has to be 
added as well (apparently it can't be done effect side as FG crashes when the 
mapping is not properly defined, I don't know details).

So, like Rembrandt, making model shading work in Atmospheric Light Scattering 
requires action from airplane maintainers, I can't do all that's needed, and it 
doesn't work out of the box. Please consider updating airplanes as soon as the 
shader arrives on GIT!

* Thorsten
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