> This feels like a moderately large issue to me, because out of the box,  
> we select basic weather, and hence we're going to get bug reports about  
> clouds not appearing. We could make basic weather drive the real  
> visibility based on altitude, but then we're moving away from 'basic  
> weather does what you set'. We could give basic weather sea-level and  
> altitude visibility and interpolate between them, which I guess is what  
> advanced weather does?

Well, the problem arises because a number of issues have so far been handled in 
a peculiar way:

* Basic Weather 'out of the box' assumes, when driven with METAR, that the 
reported visibility has no altitude dependence (I think) - which isn't 
particularly realistic in the first place

* clouds, unlike practically all other objects, do not really respect 
visibility the same way as other objects (they are fogged in the default 
rendering scheme at twice the nominal visibility, so a similar issue exists 
outside Atmospheric Light Scattering and clouds disappear before their 
rendering cutoff hits...

* ... but Atmospheric Light scattering, unlike the default scheme,  gives you 
always a rather clear skydome once you clear the ground haze layer as long as 
no extra high-altitude haze is declared, so in essence the visibility above the 
lowest layer certainly looks visually very high (this is intended since it 
gives you a realistic appearance of very clear air high up and the illusion of 
having several hundred km visibility)

One could fix either of those: Changing aloft visibility in Basic Weather leads 
to memory issues. Not fading clouds leads to bad behaviour in low visibility. 
And fogging the skydome to agree with the set visibility leads to a completely 
unrealistic visual impression at high altitudes - 10 km forward visibility at 
airliner cruise altitude outside of cloud layers simply do not occur.

So I'm not quite sure what the intended behaviour should be. Obviously, if you 
expect to see objects 70 km away with 10 km visibility set, there's something 
fishy with your expectation as well. And saying that you want to use visibility 
for memory management but otherwise have a realistic visual impression of 
objects 100 km away is also not quite a honest base expectation...

> Suggestion:
>       rename cloud 'visibility' distance to 'draw distance' (since it's in  
> the rendering dialog anyway), to make it clear it's nothing to do with  
> weather / environment

Sounds good to me - make that perhaps 'max. draw distance'.

>       in basic weather, have clouds ignore environment/visibility, and simply 
> use draw distance (as before)
>       in advanced weather, cloud use the minimum of both, and get fogged,  
> with nice results in low vis situations.

That's in essence asking to code a dependence on the active weather system into 
the shader, and that's something which imo smells like bad design. The shader 
shouldn't have to care how the properties which drive it are created.

Can a Basic Weather user perhaps test if there is a substantial problem at all, 
i.e. if 3d clouds disappear as compared with expectations when running Basic 
Weather and Atmospheric Light Scattering? 

Maybe we're trying to come up with a fix for a rather theoretical issue...

* Thorsten
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