On 8 Jun 2013, at 16:28, Clement de l'Hamaide <clem...@hotmail.fr> wrote:

> Hi all,
> With help from Geoff and James I've successfully added FGCom feature to 
> FlightGear.

And thanks the Clement for tackling this.

> 1) Simultaneous calls


> If someone want to expand IAXClient library in order to manage simultaneous 
> calls, please raise your hand !

I would say that would be 'quite' tough, but more likely we can run two 
instances of iaxclient simultaneously.

> 2) OpenAL context
> In order to avoid context conflict I've merged FGCom sound into global FG 
> sound system.
> This mean that we can choose to redirect FGCom sound into our headphone and 
> FG sound into our speaker.
> The question is: can we agree that FGCom sound is played on the same output 
> than FG sound ?
> Again, if someone is ready to investigate OpenAL deeply, raise your hand.

This one I care about, but on Mac stand-alone has the same issue. The fix on 
Mac is for me to create a non-OpenAL backend for iaxclient, either the 
PortAudio one or write a native CoreAudio one myself. Anyway this is just 'an 
enhancement', what you suggest is fine for now.

BTW I suspect the iaxclient ALSA backend might give this feature trivially on 
Linux. I know very little about Linux audio, so I leave it to people there to 


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