If someone decides to jump into this, another feature that would be cool
would be to stream the display out as a video stream which could then be
played by any number of video players on a remote computer (like mplayer.)
 ffmpeg probably would provide library support to make this pretty
straightforward, but I haven't had a chance to dive in and see how
easy/hard it would be.

One area where this feature could be useful is in UAV research and
simulation where you'd like to emulate a live video feed back to a ground
station.  It could also be fun for sharing/broadcasting your simulator
session and probably could be made to work with a web video server.

In my own experimentation I've been able to sort of do this by using ffmpeg
to capture an area of the screen, encode it as h.264 and send it off to a
remote destination as a udp video stream, for example:

ffmpeg -f x11grab -s vga -r 15 -b 100k -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency
-maxrate 100k -i :0.0+1,58 -f mpegts -vcodec h.264 udp://

But this requires careful manual sizing and placement of my flightgear
window and it would be cool to have this built right in...  I've seen other
apps that can do this so I know it's technically possible, and I imagine
not too much coding once you figure out the magic to make it happen.


On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:16 AM, James Turner <zakal...@mac.com> wrote:

> On 17 Sep 2013, at 10:41, Rick Armstrong <
> waitingfortheelectric...@gmail.com> wrote:
> in CMake. My question: before I go down that road, does anyone know if the
> JPG HTTPD functionality works? If yes, does it work well? The fact that
> it's turned-off by default makes me think that it might not be ready for
> prime-time.
> Any advice is greatly appreciated.
> It's turned off for build reasons, not because it's new or untested. I
> believe many people have used it exactly the way you describe. If you
> encounter problems, they should be easy to fix and patches are welcome!
> (The build reasons could actually be solved by using OSGDB to write out
> the files instead of using libjpeg directly - this would mean the feature
> could be enabled all the time, i.e removed from CMake, and also we could
> write out PNGs instead of JPEGs if desired - if you have any interested in
> doing this, I can point you at examples since the screenshot code was
> converted to do the same thing recently -it's probably a couple of hours
> hacking at most)
> Kind regards,
> James
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