On Wednesday 16 May 2007 20:41, vaghetti roberto wrote:
> Can someone suggest me a good airliner to use.
> <snip> 
> May be that there are too many incomplete aircraft out there?
> I think that can be a good thing for Flightgear to have almost one type
> of aircraft for every category well finished and ready to use.
> hello from italy
> roberto

Creating an aircraft is extremely time consuming, especially when the 
developers can only work on the aircraft part-time.  Airliners have an added 
compexity to them because of their bigger and more sophisicated cockpit.  And 
as you may have noticed, most of them don't have a cockpit that resembles the 
real thing.

Of course it is a nice thing to have completed aircraft, but that's easier 
said then done. :)

Back to your original question: b1900d is in my opinion, the best and most 
completed (but I think you'll have to download the beech99 first in order for 
the b1900d to work properly).  It is also a good airliner to start with.  
Citation and various of its incarnations come to mind next, but personally I 
have had a hardtime keep them going straight on the runway.  Worth a try are 
also the Fokkers and Tu154, though I have never tried them.

Then there are also the A320's -- two versions of them.  One of them has a 
good model, with good textures.  The other has a better model :P with no 
texture.  Their share the exact same cockpit, so take your pick.  There's 
also the A300... but I doubt these two aircraft would meet your expectations.


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