
This is where I'm picking up the garbage data:

        ftnet.loc_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ftnet.msgip.ip.s_addr

The kernel is GENERIC plus IPFW. Nothing terribly oddball. I'm wondering if this is a variable type issue somewhere. Running a 32bit build on amd64 and the same box doesn't exhibit this issue.

If you care to look into this, I can provide access to the box in question. If not, I'll might eventually figure it out.

I'm not at the point of caring about a memory leak. When I get there, I can run it through valgrind.


On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, Paul P Komkoff Jr wrote:

Replying to Mark R.:
Are there any known issues with flow-tools on 64-bit platforms?  I'm
trying to run 0.68 on FreeBSD 7.0/amd64 and running into some odd
behavior with flow-capture and flow-fanout.

There is at least one known memory leak that only happens on 64-bit
FreeBSD, that I still haven't fixed (mainly because it requires to set up
FreeBSD somewhere).

This one that you telling here is new. And it's serious, I wonder why
nobody else seeing it. Maybe your kernel is broken?
Or maybe it's ipv4-over-ipv6 issue?
I don't have access to freebsd system to verify how recvmsg works
there, sorry.

Paul P 'Stingray' Komkoff Jr // <- my pgp key
This message represents the official view of the voices in my head

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