Joe wrote:
> Dear Dev team,
> First of, thanks a bunch on excellent inputs and feedback on this forum!
> Actually, this Q is a followup to my earlier Q on Gecko;
> Can anyone confirm that Forms (including radio etc) of HTML 2.0
> are not supported by HelpView/HelpDialog of FLTK 2.0?
> I tried, but I dont get any buttons displayed. Just wanted to
> confirm...
> BTW a secondary Q: How to make tables in HelpView/dialog look better?
> right now, they are displayed with table lines going across the
> text (similar to striking off a sentence/text)

        FLTK's html widget only supports a very limited subset of HTML.
        Forms, CSS, DHTML, etc. are all outside it's current goals.

        Looking at the Fl_Help_View code in 1.1.x, the only tags it
        currently appears to support are:

        ** FONT RELATED **
                H1 H2 .. H5 H6
                B, I, EM, CODE, TT, KBD, STRONG, VAR
                FONT FACE|COLOR|SIZE

        ** MEDIA/LINK RELATED **
                IMG [SRC|WIDTH|HEIGHT]
                A [NAME|HREF]

                HEAD, TITLE,
                BODY [BGCOLOR|TEXT|LINK]
                BR, CENTER, P
                UL, OL, DL, LI, DD, DT, HR, PRE,

        I'm not sure if that's a complete list, but it was built
        just perusing the 1.1.x Fl_Help_View.cxx code.

        I believe these limitations are not documented because the
        widget has been constantly in progress, though now that
        it is closing in on its design goals, the supported subsets
        probably should now be documented.

        Among the url types not supported:
                http:, https:, ftp:, ipp:, mailto:, news:

        ..mainly because these would all depend on a cross platform
        TCP library of some kind, currently outside the scope of FLTK's
        goals to being 'fast and light'.

        If you want more support from inside your FLTK app,
        fire off the user's HTML browser as a separate process
        to open the link in question. There's some code examples
        somewhere in the newsgroup archive.. can't remember where.
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