iPhone SDK development stuff looks kinda cool:

You can use your free apple developer's login to
download the SDK (free!) and all the how-to videos.

Was watching some of the 'getting started' videos.

Seems that all the usual unixy stuff is available,
including BSD sockets, threads.

Noteworthy: Quartz is accessible, which /might/ mean
FLTK could possibly be coerced to run on it, not sure.

Apparently the SDK includes an "iphone emulator"
so you can test your program even w/out an iphone.
The iphone apps are apparently regular Mac 'app bundles'.

I have no further details, was just musing about
possibly noodling with it.

They've certainly taken great efforts to making
numerous developer videos which is kinda neat.
I still hope to never have to learn Cocoa..
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