Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
> Greg Ercolano wrote:
>>     Looking at the code for Fl_Group::resize(), it tells children
>>     to resize before updating its own size.
>>     This is a problem if the children's resize() code wants to know
>>     what the parent's new size is going to be.
>>     Assuming there's a good reason Fl_Group doesn't set its own XYWH
>>     values before calling the children, ...
> I'm not _absolutely_ sure about this, but I'd consider this a bug 
> (calling Fl_widget::resize() after calling resize() for the children), 

        It might be.

        If so, then just fixing the bug would be the easy solution.

> Would your code work, if the sizes would be changed before resizing the 
> children? Did you try?

        I didn't try changing the fltk code around..
        I assumed there's a reason the group's resize() happens /after/
        the children are resize()ed.

        But I imagine if I did change it, it would help my situation,
        but maybe might break Fl_Group's resizing somehow..
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