Fabien Costantini wrote:
>> Fabien Costantini wrote:
>>      The VS Express compiler flags are very different from the other VS 
>> compilers.
>>      Are the VS build files smart enough to recognize compiler differences?

> Could you be more specific ?

        I meant all the new manifest flags needed for Express.

        If there was one set of project files, they'd have to smart enough
        to know that if loaded under express, they'd need to add the newer

        I don't know much about the IDE config files, but I guess they must
        have the smarts to be able to look at the compiler that's building them,
        eg. #if EXPRESS use manifest flags, etc.

        IIRC, the 'cl /?' for express seems to be somewhat different from
        the old revs of the compiler.

> For now, what I know is that I build the whole demo (with all its deps)
> in one go without a problem, it runs flawlessly.

        Yeah, if one set of project files can handle all the VS releases,
        that'd be sweet.

        Is it a matter of needing to have that exact version of the compiler
        to make changes to that rev of the project files, hand editing in
        a text editor being the only other option?

> Please note that this build file initiative should have two objectives :
> it should simplify the modifications needed everytime we add / remove
> something in the fltk lib (your proposal address that one),
> but it should also keep as much as possible the existing
> features available for vs users with no regression (my proposal
> tries to address that too).

        Ya, agreed.

        My goal is actually to be able to automate the builds of FLTK,
        so that I don't have to jump into a GUI and have a bunch of text
        steps I need to go through to click buttons to change things and
        then build. I'm a command line zealot, what can I say..
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