MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) wrote:
> How do people feel about my "fl_text_extents" patch (STR #2076)?

        Offhand I'm not familiar with the difference between a
        "typographical bounding box" and a "minimal bounding box".
        It's probably obvious, and I haven't had my coffee yet.

        I'm guessing it's something like the vertical difference
        between the strings "Lj" and "--", where I suppose
        fl_measure() is returning the same 'height' for both, and
        fl_text_extents() probably returns '1' as the height of "--"..?

................   .................
:  ___         :   :               :
:   |        o :   :               :
:   |       -- :   :  ----  ----   :
:  _|___|    | :   :               :
:          \_| :   :               :
:..............:   :...............:

 : ___         :
 :  |        o :    ..............
 :  |       -- :    : ----  ---- :
 : _|___|    | :    :............:
 :         \_| :

        Is that right?

        (I hope newsreaders aren't going to mangle my ascii-art underbars
        into underlined underbars..! Maybe hit 'View Source' if it does..)

> Is the proposed API acceptable? Does it suitably follow the fltk-style?

        Seems perfectly fine to me, and what I'd expect.
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