Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
>> Indeed, the test program attached to the STR might even be added to the
>> test folder, if we wanted to go that far?
> +1 from me for the program in the test folder.

        Probably such a program could test multiple fltk functions,
        so that we don't set a precedent for having one test program
        for every function in fltk.

        Maybe the test program could be called "draw_functions",
        and for now it would just test fl_text_extents(), with a tooltip
        or text description that describes what one should see.

        Later, other core folks could add similar drawing tests to
        this program to test other drawing function features.

        And if the app starts to get cluttered, maybe make a more flexible
        app that has a browser/chooser on the left for the different test
        names, and an area at the right for where the tests can be drawn, eg:

        |                                ____________________________________   
        |   FLTK drawing tests          |                                    |  
        |   _________________________   |                                    |  
        |  | fl_draw()               |  |                                    |  
        |  | fl_pixel()              |  |                                    |  
        |  | fl_text_extents()       |  |                                    |  
        |  |                         |  |       T E S T    A R E A           |  
        |  |                         |  |                                    |  
        |  |                         |  |                                    |  
        |  |                         |  |                                    |  
        |  |                         |  |                                    |  
        |  |                         |  |                                    |  
        |  |_________________________|  |____________________________________|  
        |   ___________   ___________                                ________   
        |  | Prev Test | | Next Test |                              |  Exit  |  
        |   -----------   -----------                                --------   
|_______________________________________________________________________| that one can easily just run through all the tests quickly just by
        clicking the 'Next Test' button, and it just selects the next item
        in the browser. Or just clicking in the browser will run that particular
        test quickly. I guess "Next Test" could be an FL_ENTER button, so the
        enter key can be used to advance through the tests..

        Apologies in advance for those of you trying to read the above
        ascii art with a non-fixed width font ;)
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