Carsten Haubold wrote:
> I'm using FLTK to manage the window specific stuff for my 3D-Engine.
> The Fl_Gl_Window was able to do anything I liked, but now I wanted to add 
> mouse-look, and I'd need to fix the mouse cursor or set it to a certain 
> position every frame...
> Is there any way of doing this? Like a setMousePos(x,y) or so?

A while ago I found some posts here about this issue, but i can't seem 
to find them anymore, but among them was the following function to solve 
this problem:

int jump_cursor (int new_x, int new_y)
#if defined WIN32
      BOOL result = SetCursorPos(new_x, new_y);
      if (result) return 0; // OK

#elif defined __APPLE__
      CGPoint new_pos;
      CGEventErr err;
      new_pos.x = new_x;
      new_pos.y = new_y;
      err = CGWarpMouseCursorPosition(new_pos);
      if (!err) return 0; // OK

#else // Assume this is Xlib
      Window rootwindow = DefaultRootWindow(fl_display);
      XWarpPointer(fl_display, rootwindow, rootwindow, 0, 0, 0, 0,
new_x, new_y);
      return 0; // Assume OK

      return -1; // Fail
} // jump_cursor

I have used it successfully on linux and on windows. It sets mouse 
pointer to a screen position (new_x,new_y).

So If you have a top level window, w, and you want to warp the pointer 
to a position (x,y) in it, to a position in a window 'w', you need to write:
If w is a subwindow then you write:
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