3DRACS v1.5.0 is totally written in FLTK 1.3 with OpenGL.
You can test GLSL shaders from Menu->Rendering->Shaders->...
You can download it from
Download link: http://www.real3d.pk/softwares.html
Home page: http://www.real3d.pk/3dracs.html

If you want to ask anything else, I am here for that.

> On 12/10/12 01:34, Sepehr Aryani wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm wondering if we can use GLSL in fltk application.
> > I also want to know which version of OpenGL FLTK support.
> > If there is a sample code to help I'll appreciate.
>       I don't think there are any modern versions of openGL
>       that FLTK /doesn't/ support, so it should work with whatever
>       version you have.
>       FLTK generally only gets involved to establish the openGL context.
>       From there, all your openGL calls go directly to the openGL library,
>       not through FLTK, which should mean any extensions to openGL (such as 
>       should be supported without any special coding in FLTK.
>       So in other words it should just work.
>       If it doesn't, let us know.

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