Hi all,
Please excuse another newbie question.

I'm looking at storing an enum as user data in an Fl_Menu_Item user data. In 
the callback, I want to access the enum.

I know that I can put the enum into user data as a string:
enum eop { task0=200, task2, task3};

Fl_Menu_Item menu = {
{ "thing 1", 0, mycallback, (void*)"201"} .... }

void mycallback(widget* w, void* v)
{ ....
eop e = (eop) (atoi((char*)v));

but that seems a little cumbersome and inflexable.

I notice that old examples used
int i = (int)v;
but that won't work with gcc-4.4.5

I tried subclassing Fl_Menu_Item, but couldn't get it to work.

Is there a better way?

Will fltk-3 provide more flexibility?

Should this be covered in a tutorial? I couldn't find anything in search.... 
which surprised me. It seems like it should be covered somewhere for newbies.


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