Hi all,

I am the developer of Piano Booster and I have written some
instructions on how to start fluidsynth see this link.


However I cannot get fluidsynth to run with zero/low latency. I
estimated the latency delay  is about 100msec.  I can hear a delay
when I play on the Piano which is always a bad sign. I do not get a
noticeable delay when I play using an external synth. See this link
for more info on my set-up.


Please tell me what I have to do to  get fluidsynth to run as close to
real time as possible so that I can improve the instructions on the
PianoBooster web site. Please bear in mind that PianoBooster also uses
the CPU fairly heavily and that I and other users are using a netbook
which sits on top of the piano nicely so we also want reduce
fluidsynth CPU usage (as well as Piano Booster CPU usage).

Do you have an examples page for non technical users on how to run
fluid synth? If there is not one, may I suggest it would be very
useful addition.


L o u i s   J a m e s    B a r m a n

PianoBooster is a MIDI file player that teaches you how to play the piano. see:


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