Hi Joshua,

>i have decided to seriously study and reperform some classic fluxus and
dada pieces starting this year.

anyone wishing to help me do so is invited to email me scores or good
sources.  i already have 'fluxus reader' and 'ubi fluxus'<,

Go to


Click on the link for The Fluxus Performance Workbook.

There you will find scores for Fluxus Performances by most Fluxus artists.
Classic scores sit alongside lesser known works.

I also recommend Dick Higgins' book " foew&ombwhnw" (contains the  Danger
Music scores and other good pieces), although now long out of print used
copies are available from Barnes and Noble at
http://www.bn.com  just do an author search for Dick Higgins then click on
the link to the out of print section. When I just looked they had 4 copies
although the price varies depending on the condition of the book.

If you want more sources just ask but this should give you a good start.

>well, i just went to the most depressing art event ever.  it was a supposed
panel on fluxus to promote the 'playing with matches' exhibit of al hansen
and rock star grandson beck hansen<

I read the 'playing with matches'  book last year and I have to say I
thoroughly enjoyed it. I think it's a shame if this panel did not do justice
to the exhibit. Could you please say a little more about what the panel
said, issues raised etc. as I would be interested to know what exactly it
was that you found disappointing, also who was on the panel? Thanks.



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