eheheheheheheheh I like this idear ALOT!!! count me in! what about visual 
sound? I have no idea what that means but I wanna try and figure it out....I 
heard this track by I forget who which was done with pictures of a 
tunnel....insane sounds I could never ever imagine..I want the program he 
used...Tetsuo Inune <sp> was the guys name

>From: Patricia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: FLUXLIST:
>Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 18:49:13 -0800
>To all,
>An idea for a collaborative effort:
>I've always liked the stamps Robert Watts created (have made them
>myself from time to time and they have on occasion bought
>correspondence a trip through the postal service without further
>postage).  to wit:
>Whoever wishes to participate would create an art stamp - be it
>photography, graphics, whatever, and can email it to me in the
>form of a .jpg image insert, in a smallish size at 100
>resolution.  Doesn't have to be the size of a stamp - I can take
>care of resizing.  You can overlay it with numbers if you wish
>(kinda like the postage amount, hmmmm, just don't put an actual
>currency sign on it).
>This project is still in the formative stage in my enormously
>fertile brain :o), but I am thinking of letters on the stamps
>referring to Fluxus; i.e. "FLUXUS IS ALIVE" so that when you
>paste them on stuff and send them off (with the actual proper
>postage, of course) it sends a message around the world.
>Once I have all the imagery, I can put it into sheets of stamps
>in Photoshop.  I can then email the sheets to those of you with
>good printers, or snailmail them to those who don't (I have a
>pretty high res photographic quality printer), if you send me a
>sase (but of course, that's a way down the road).  Constructing
>the sheets in this manner would mean you would have to cut and
>glue them, which actually looks fine.  They could, however, be
>professionally  printed with perforations - haven't investigated
>this much, but it might be pricey.
>Oh, and then Sol (Hi Sol!! *grin*) can put the sheets in the
>izone gallery, and who knows, perhaps we can sell them in
>galleries and online and all be rich!!! hahahahaha.
>Anyway, I'll appreciate any ideas/input.
>Best Regards,

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