Hi Roger

I'm sending you these off list because it's too much to post and I'd
rather not have this recent stuff read on FLUXLIST right now. One
caveat: I think it should be called something like "Fluxlist Poetry
Chapbook" or anything "Fluxlist" rather than Fluxus per se. Of course
others may disagree.  Hope you get some stuff from Alan Bowman, his
poetry is very cool (see his website
the Free Form Freakout Organization. BTW you don't have to use all of this
I'm sending, take yr pick. I just send more to let you read more of what I

Hope you enjoy the poems and read you on Fluxlist.


PS Had a look at your Children's Poetry website yesterday. Enjoyed it.

------------------------------------------- begin

Buster says "Posture is it." and SO youíd better haZe Popeye
Well, it is Spring but here goes neighbors lumpy crows which Tom would
say"Oh yeah, many names."
Pissing pulsated pillow-chewer nubs best boink
bIllows bEllows bUllows bAllows. Again there you have it,  Miller positive
Each wayS to cEll (hardened splatter)
Overcast blast past livers shivers quivers the "Not againÖ" OK
This will allow for future opposed to anyways under this cow
"Not againÖ"OK left,right,left,right lulu charlie taps gallows nibble? Oh
definitely .
"Fuck that."Then again. OK right,left,right.left saw Jill ampersand, blinker
"Itís tough to con trol that anyways."
Usually three times, sometimes four. Rusty quickly bait another
Noise hook wafted Ö ability to wrench outside yet is it really? Tall infant
Porch/cat/rub/tommorrow morning.  Missed them dancing. OK
Just my head in the bowel is all.

The only funny things in the world are the 3 stooges and the neoists.

Reed Altemus 4/9/00

D fer BH jab N lope K F grapefruit
long PV mal O pian S A cellar
QW bunion R ils C dat EE ung
pulse UG lip Z gorge JX ast
DI rect IO nub HM tra I ling
pisser WAH trong LY ost N
red TF bore S erd urd GY ots
PA geode UC ith DP ange LS

R. Altemus 4/9/00

Attitude or apathy
Benching or bundling
Canoes or cullings
Denver or dustbowel
Every or evidence
Fence or fancies
Gallows or guilt-ridden
Hellbound or handling
Intelligence or inertia
Jewish or junk
Killers or kindereds
Longing or lambswool
Mentals or mappings
Nabisco or numbskull
Operated or orthography
Pens or pans
Quotation or quotidian
Rabble or raiders
Silt or sediment
Tar or tacky
Undulating or urges
Vapid or vanishers
Wedded or waterfowel
Xylophone or X-rated
Yelling or yesterday
Zebra or zeroed

R. Altemus 4/14/00

6 rewrithings of some poems of John M. Bennett


"my" (TUMBling sNORe, Fascination wrIST ed toWard
my fLAKing hEad or tumbLINg flOor fastened to my
lIst or Lakey liPs benEATh your lap ping bREAD be
neaTH your) hips

John M. Bennett 12.3.97


"your" (timbRING Snore FAScinaTion wreST ed tOWard
your fLUKing hEad OR TumblING FLOor festooned to your
laST or LUCKy lipS BEN eath "my" lip PING tRUMPet be
GINing my) heps

Reed Altemus 4/15/00


"your"(TAMe ing geAR fUSsy Notion blISs Add tOward
her fLEXIng Baader EAR tin beaRING flOUR fastEND to your
LaST or sLINKy LeAPs BEneath "your" limey Brood BY
Nate my) hets

Reed Altemus 4/18/00

Rob e II:  birds the neigh bors e

cac a down the
drain age jab the Con form ity
foot the st air up to #1-E
wave b rightly f lag "hi hoÖ"
c reaming rift yr pen nies
auto trepititionwhy. It chy skull

mud a book
book a mud

flush age st raight to helL
anding next theco rn evE ry begin
ning exhalation. W hen the knees
birds the neigh bors e
roof inversed. Saw
ah clack ah, duck
tightly bound! OK.
Blind s

JMB 7.28.99
RA 4.20.00

Be auté II:  mouldering bar felt

raft er hab Chet
it I blan ish
k sun Ken

breeding the cello for the sardine

mouldering bar felt
be "quest-ce-cíest" I went
crad led you my bro
laun dry binds
gestalt of  b urn ing al  to
me (at night) ah to wind ing
mucus-clothed! Yr Des in te grating
days at me poltergeist bastard
yr crenellating un dulating
eye yr "eye" yr inept
(span d ex sweepings
some) days tan dem g ills
end: dust

JMB 7.28.99
RA 4.20.00

Ma chin e II : like a gate

d rap rips
ed yr ca ter pill ers
clown ham hocks
the door smiler
fl utters ten drils
hamsterly humpings
the even Stephen
ing eniero nada
sucks his photo gra ve
loaf a wool a venue
bridge too feds
hatless  f art ing
where the En
gland stems,
rivu less tibia to be a
en tu buses
talle merde

va ga agate

like a gate

JBM 7.28.99
RA 4/20/00

Ra il II: genu flect

you pee until
led the bend
sauce teased
so Iís anchor
too d an bel lies
stung rayed genu ine
across the corridor
b ridge a mean t
lap be low can dles
yr rive lob elle
R key am mend men t
dome yr clap board
fold hot hints
inside, yr veins
hat metal
arc pet un ias
domunism "John-u-ism" flect

JMB 7.28.99
RA 4/20/00

ten tits

jap LI hug NU punk EK
ice JI tongue HA ick SA
let AG pay FA gee
clod WU ta hoot KI
K tee CO pad BU
gen OT int RE cha LU
bay ten tits QUO ti DA
PU ni lex FO put CHI
bloat AD ang UR
tel GE it HM
ote WR

R. Altemus 4/23/00


bearings and borings
oats at destitute drinkers pudgy
patterned piecemeal kinks
ort van pit innocence sensed
public manitee embolism anchor ennervates
                                              numb as a hake
cholesterol haggard hazard gizzard wúnderkind
operas anacin integer und raum
honker hellbilly gunrack
et          cet         er         a
amount said synergies singles sunny
enacted wren oily gastric gent jumble
Jonathan postulate joy-sticks never
pollenate bust and wah wah wah
story of my laugh territory of my
celebrate the paintbrush?
"Honey hush."
helicopter habituals hangers
ab ort ab so lute ab sor p tion choke my Baroque
mackeral monestary happenstance
chumps yago iterate bannisters
kunk ack cornpone
jelly wap tapped much ribber idling
cha ki dits at int lag clap sung ap test chi ju piss
orbital onyx chebosphere yawning entity
ja ka na limeys lentil onto the pie squared
bordering impetus pallisades increment pestering
jostles by-the-by participant integrate fucked

R. Altemus 4/23/00

acres egg-shaped and gray
kilter often pitched

R. Altemus 4/23/00

hinged shingles
pitiless and jinxed

R. Altemus 4/23/00

On the condition of poetry and some fictional drugs to cure it

1 mungtrapitid
2 jipnotrendra
3 patscoticklub
4 aptyojentmi
5 postmotickba
6 ideornackpo
7 blissturd
8 agnostethered
9 cellarneds
10 mottorion
11 snicktuse
12 carbitrate
13 slendrill
14 bastney
15 oraculink
16 postinferiorness
17 plankotin
18 mcnotpunters
19 knotendicle
20 orbaclobil
21 aptisterin
22 cortestyzone
23 liebuterol
24 pligesteride
25 genocine
26 onticulil

1. a kind of flying insect  made out of beans with an intelligence too great
for it to be killed by
    that hanging electric device in the back yard
2. a condition of our French lungs
3. an alternative technique for particles to be absorbed through  a
lingustic cell membrane
4. a fake Japanese word
5. the poetics of the wooden legs found in Ray Johnson collages
6. a blind but decorative philosopher who lives on the edge of town and
makes his own glue
   from othersí thoughts
7. indicative of poetry in general
8. a drug to cure lack of religious feeling in viscious white dogs
9. the ignorance one finds in any basement
10. cosmic words to live by spoken in a 4/4 rhythm but not until lunch and
always with the
      radio turned off
11. a wide-angle lens used to take pictures of gristle or just the stupidity
of negative
       programming in HTML
12. a 20th century drug one should never try to revive onesself with
13 fossil fuel should be conserved, trade in yr SUV for one of those new
electric cars
14. the barricades where the rioters hide from their poltergeists
15. needs no explanation
16. the clock which reminds me itís time to write. you never wake up though
17. metal food for whales
18. anyone who refuses to participate in any of Americaís favorite pasttimes
while navigating a
      narrow English river  boat with a long pole
19. a drug which makes one immune to kicks in the rump while enguaged in
interstellar travel
20. history is erased while surfing the web for something pertinent or life
going on while
      youíre making other plans and receiving notice to simply pay attention
to something
21. an ointment which the manufacturer claims is a cure for visual
illiteracy but really isnít and
      everyone knows it
22. a drug which aids in the maintenence of pataphysical walking paths
23. a drug which makes everything you write after using it a joke
24. a drug which makes observing a few people eating sandwiches at a
stoplight more enjoyable
25. a free bootleg cure for the headaches caused by reading between the
26. a would-be drug which completely eliminates the semantic variances
between being alone
     and lonliness

R. Altemus 4/23/00

------------------------------------------- end

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