Hi all,

Well Owen has done a great job with the online catalogue of the box
contents. Thanks Owen.

Rosalie wrote:
>I'd be interested to hear more about the original Fluxus boxes.  It
seems that they were mostly done by an individual, and not by a group.
Is that right?<

There were a lot of boxes by individuals but that were "edited" by George
Maciunas who was responsible for the look and feel of most of the boxes. Our
box is closest to the "Fluxus Yearbox" type of box where there were pieces
by different Fluxus people but all in one box. ultimately I think our box
benefits from a lack of editorial control of the kind Maciunas exercised as
everyone produced works in their own style. Jon Hendrick's Fluxus Codex has
lots of pictures of all the original Fluxus boxes.

It seems this first box has worked out pretty well....just think what the
next one will be like! I think we should wait for the CD and for everyone
who participated to receive a box before we begin another one though.



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