dear Sol,
once again I spent a long time without being able to follow the Fluxlist
movement. I must say that your large mind openness (I'm not sure that this
word exist) and your kindness is a true example of tolerance to me.

> Bertrand, I agree with you. I don't know what happened exactly..guess it's
> been a gradual process but the last few months have seen posts on Fluxus
> disappear from the list. No-one seems to want to talk about Fluxus
> Ken's departure doesn't have to be a turning point. We can still discuss
> Fluxus but maybe it just doesn't feel the same anymore.

this is exactly that that is in question: it just doesn't feel the same
anymore, and nobody knows why. Maybe it'is because Fluxus is dead, and just
its spirits remains, with many ones to want to hold it. Can Fluxus have lost
its actuality in the very moment of its growing recognition?

> To be honest it is a little disappointing now not to have the discussions
> about Fluxus but there is a nice little community around this list and I
> think that those friendship now drive the list rather than an interest in
> Fluxus. Maybe someday we'll return to discussing Fluxus amongst friends in
> the way we used to but until then there'll be something missing from the
> Fluxlist.

you're right, people on the list are a nice little comunity linked by
friendly feelings, but they have sympathically killed the original spirit of
the list -and I count myself amongst the murderers by my lazy complicity.
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, but it's a bit late isn't it (all the more that
there are some interesting things on the list)?

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