Dear roger radio:

        for give me writing in/complete sentences

        am sending on to you as has been unfinished waiting to do so

        unfinished works

        unvarnished truth

        ill concealed bamboozlements

        half eaten sandwiches

        the remnents of a mind
        the corrosions of a heart

        the tarred lungs

        the unworking half a hand

        the half baked schemes

        the one shoe

        the glass:  Half empty? or half full?

        the dilipidated deck of cards missing a few jacks and an ace

        the brain with a few screws loose

        the vacuum cleaner without a bag

        the lighter without a flint

        the man without a country
        the conspiracy without a plot

        the ship without a compass

        the mirror without a glass

        the deal with no strings attached

        the tree without roots

        the circumference with no center

        the numbers with no zero

        what went off without a hitch

        the ambassador without portfolio

        the book without a cover

        the sorrow with no memory
        the man with no price on his head

        the illustrations without a text

        the suit with no buttons

        the pain without limits

        the rhyme with no reason

        the departure without gving notice
        the crime without motive

        the suicide with no note

        the map with no scale

        the anger without cause

        that which "goes without saying"

        the killing without license

        the undeclared war

        the unsigned document

        "the song without end"

        "the road not taken"

        "the missing link"

        "the lost continent"
        "the lineage without heirs"

        "the game called due to rain"

        "no pain no gain"

        "the man without qualities"

        "the names of the vicitims witheld"

        they who "vanished wihtout a clue"

        "the unfinished symphony" 

        "the house without a home"

        "the contract without amenities"

        "the dog without a bone"

        "the untold story"

        & the nights without her . . . 

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