
i had found a book (*) on beuys by heiner stachelhaus (1987) who wrote
that beuys's way to action start in 1962 with the "piano of earth" idea,
which he certainly did not realize but "with one he going closely to
<fluxus> movement. "

i don't know if stachelhaus is right or wrong but he add in pg 146 of an
spanish version of the book i translated (i guess in good terms): "by that
time beuys was in contact with nan jum paik, one of leaders of fluxus
movement. & for all present then beuys was a fluxus artist."

what is fluxus? --he ask & answer:
"this is a neodadaist movement emerged starting the 60s with the goal to
converge art & life in a fluid form (fluxus = what is fluid)
& to change the conventional concept of art."

& in pg 147 he add:
"without doubt, beuys found in fluxus the adequate artistic base.
then beuys was overcome the big crisis of his life & for that time he was
formulated firmly his ideas about art & creativity.

according to stachelhouse beuys saw clearly that "fluxus neodadaism" was,
in that time, the right tool to done his work
& he have no doubt about there was a relationship btw beuys &
paik & maciunas, inside the circle of fluxists artists.

"beuys agree with the interdisciplinary character of fluxus. he agree with
the easiest of the actions & improvisations pieces..."
& in 1963 (february 2 & 3) beuys was the organizer of the first fluxus
concert in dusseldorf: "festum fluxorum-fluxus" in which was present all
celebrities like george brecht, al hansen, dick higgins, arthur kopfke, la
mount young, george maciunas, paik, tomas schmit, spoerri, vostell, watts &
emmet williams.

& at in the first day, beuys done a "composition for two musicians"
& in the next day the 1st time of "siberian sinphony": that was the first
time beuys apeared with a dead hare: "he done a free improvisation mixed
with a eric satie piece, hung the hare in a
blackboard, prepared the piano with little piles of clay, put branchs
inside the piles & linked the branchs & the hare by wire. then he
remove the heart of the hare."

depending on the violence of this action --according the stachelhaus
words-- the fluxus artist present there rejected beuys & left him outside
the fluxus circle...

i'm not sure if this is one of those myths of german historians
about a fluxus beuys or if is true.

pd: apologize the probably mistakes in the translation.
i don't know if this is the real history but here are my two cents.
(*) "joseph beuys" by heiner stachelhaus
parsifal ediciones, 1990, barcelona.

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