
This is a misunderstanding. I have never said that I didn't approve of Beuys.
And I would never say such a thing. What I did was to correct a number of Heiner
Stachelhaus unbelievable mistakes.


Heiner Stachelhaus

Don Boyd wrote:

> Thanks, Patricia and others for the information on Beuys. Eric may not
> approve of him.  Other "Old timer" Fluxus artists  may not approve of Beuys,
> but I like him. He quickly outgrew any "advantage" there might have been in
> "being Fluxus, " in my opinion. He actually helped Fluxus become more known,
> hence the continued association of Fluxus with his name and work and vice
> versa. I find the association mutually helpful and hope others do too.- Don

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