At 06:16 pm +0100 10/12/00, Eric Andersen wrote:

>I don't know. I haven't seen any of them. However, none of what I have seen
>on the list seem to be new in any sense.

what's supposed "new" for you today?
are you aware of any fluxus aesthetic evolution
out off what we have discussed here?
where, when, how?

>Fluxus was probably the most political incorrect you could be in the '60s.

today in a vastly confusing wealth of electronic media
each of us is forced to create  his own environment
in more radical ways than 60s.

maybe beuys was the most radical or incorrect
artists programming his sensory art & life from duchamp

maybe he break the fluxus law (if there was any)
then he went left aoutside?

"to live outside the law we must be honest"


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