> While the U.S.-made PortaBush software for handheld computers wasn't 
> released with much fanfare last week, it became a big hit in China very 
> quickly.

URL ? And is there a PC version ? Or a handheld emulator ?

> The software's American designers noticed a huge traffic spike Thursday 
> coming from China, at one point reaching about 2,000 downloads in an hour 
> and threatening to overwhelm their servers.
> "About 80 percent of the downloads were coming from China," Eruptor 
> Entertainment President Brad Foxhoven said Friday.
> The White House had no immediate comment on the new Chinese interest.
> Released a week ago by Marina Del Ray, Calif.-based Eruptor Entertainment, 
> the software toy is similar to the faded Tamagotchi craze. Players feed 
> their PortaBush, keep him happy and help him make vital national decisions 
> like whether to bomb teen singer Britney Spears.
> Get yours at http://www.eruptor.com/

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