I'm with you, Sol! 

At 04:27 PM 7/12/01 +0100, you wrote:
Tamas wrote:

>If the Fluxlisters majority will vote YES,
then we shall vote about the voting about
the exclusion of ann klefstad.<

My response:

Dear Tamas and Eric,

There is no question of excluding Ann from the list!

I personally have had enough of your tedious agitation on this list. For two
years now every once in a while you seem to do this and it is wearing very

Thanks to you two, Ken Friedman and others left the list.. I'm not prepared
to see you try to drive off other people or deteriorate this list just for
your own amusement so I'm giving you the choice to either stop this
pointless agitation and contribute to the list in a positive way or I remove
you both from the list permanently ......this decision will NOT be voted
upon apart from by the owner group!

Some of you may think it odd that I would even consider banning an original
Fluxus artist from Fluxlist..perhaps this is why we let Eric and his
sidekick Tamas get away with so much in the past........Anyway George
Maciunas expelled Eric from Fluxus in the sixties so any act that's good
enough for George Maciunas is good enough for me.

To the majority of this list who make wonderful contributions and with whom
it is a pleasure to interact online I can see that you may wonder what all
the fuss is about. If you have the time read the archive reference in my
earlier post and see how nasty things got the last two times Tamas and Eric
decided to complain about the list and attack people on it. I'm afraid that
the sort of majority decisions that these two suggest for Fluxlist leave
Fluxlist open to abuse, their actions have in the past led to the loss of
several contributors to the list and others feeling intimidated about
posting. In fact we've let them both get away with this for far too long.

I apologise to anyone who has just joined the list as it may seem at the
moment that being on this list is somewhat of a waste of time. Please rest
assured that this list has a good culture that is only occasionally
compromised as is occurring at the moment. I hope anyone currently feeling
worried about the list's value sticks with it. Those of you who've been on
the list for a few months or more know that overall it's a great list and
unique in its position on the web. I personally love being on Fluxlist and
get a lot of pleasure from it which is why these two make myself and others
pretty angry.

Anyway, I'm sorry it had to come to this but I hope this is the end of this



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