At 01:01 AM 7/14/01 +0200, Eric Anderson wrote:

>I still think Bukoff and the rest of the old listowners should step down

And what purpose would be served by that?

The term "listowner" is a technical term related to the software, kindly 
hosted by, that operates the e-mail list. The role of the 
listowner is simply to manage the various technical tasks that are part of 
running an e-mail list. E.g., unsubscribing e-mail addresses that are dead 
and other details.

The FLUXLIST listowner group is simply a collection of people who have 
agreed to carry out these mundane tasks. Sol and Allen have done the lion's 
share of this work and everyone should be grateful to them.

The "listowner" group has also been called upon to make various policy and 
administrative decisions, including the banning of 1 person.

Eric, and others: if you do not like how this e-mail list operates you are 
more than welcome to unsubscribe!

You are also more than welcome to start your own e-mail list that you can 
operate as you see fit.


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