I have today discovered what appears to be a "stick garden" just outside 
the living room of the House of Flux.  This is the Nth room not the second 
living room and also away from the regular garden.  See for yourself at 

At 03:01 PM 8/3/2001
>The living room in the
>House of Flux
>has a big overstuffed sofa
>with floral upholstery.
>It is on casters, so it is
>easy to rearrange the furniture,
>once you move the books from off the floor.
>The Fluxsisters
>Fine Interior Design since 1999

At 04:57 AM 8/4/2001
>--- Roger Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was always led to believe there were two living
> > rooms in The House of Flux
> > I wonder which number you talking about?
> > And is the living room alive?
> >
>It's the one on the right as you walk in; number Nth.
>And as to whether or not it's alive, permit us to
>quote from a letter dated 31.06.84 (hut,hut,hut) from
>the Marchessa de Fluxburry:
>"I recently saw the living room; it's ... alive".*
>(* full text reads, "...the living room; it's a wonder
>that I came out alive". We've edited to serve our own
>The Fluxsisters
>Full...Since 1999

At 08:25 AM 8/5/2001
>The overgrown lawn yielded tire irons and volumes of broken glass. Every
>trowel thrust into the garden unearthed dog tags, marbles, and plastic
>soldiers disfigured by matches and pocket knives. An elderly neighbor
>offered apocryphal tales of a previous owner shot dead in an armored car
>robbery at the airport; his widow, struggling to raise four children alone,
>hurled empty wine bottles out the attic window into neighbors' lawns with
>bitter invectives.
>Tom G.

At 06:18 PM 8/6/2001
>And I remember the small, round window at the top
>which looked out on the garden
>and if you peered through it at night the view was
>of the garden in daylight
>and if you looked through it in the day
>the garden was cloaked in darkness
>I don't know why     - "Roger Stevens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:08 PM 8/7/2001
>I'll always remember Sierra's impromptu recital on the player piano in the
>second living room....
>"Tom Grothus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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