Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 12:09:41 -0500
Subject: the >wartime< project online launch
From: (atty) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

as the American administration, in the space of 24 hours,
committs a further 62,000 military to an attack on Iraq, the
online edition of the >wartime< project is now open at

in the >wartime< project over fifty digital and network artists,
individuals or groups across this planet, organizing through
the internet, have contributed pieces reflecting on and
reacting against wars, past, present and future. A further fifty
or so artists are currently registered to contribute to the
project in the future.

the project is also designed to be capable of being shown
LIVE in public and a calendar of these events is on the site.

we hope that the reach and diversity of approach, materials,
sentiments and location in the component parts of our project
demonstrates that we will not be dragged into war without
reaction, without questioning, and that we have the will and
capacity to defy the borders and barriers erected between
people by war makers.

current UK and US forces already surrounding or heading for
Iraq now number over 160,000. Probably the concentration in
quantity and expense of the weaponry and its destructive
potential which has been assembled facing Iraq has never
been matched before. Heavy casualties for civilian and military
are very possible if the cities of Iraq are to be entered and
attacked. This and the possibility of war wider in the Middle
East and further can threaten our environment and lives
nearly everywhere on this planet.

If we are responsible to ourselves and to others we should
consider making what contribution we can to halting this
descent into destruction, working in our own areas and with
our own particular skills, as we are attempting to do with the
>wartime< project, and with initiatives such as, and by joining wider
activities such as the US wide anti-war day on January 18th
and the planned anti-war marchs across Europe on Febuary


the >wartime< project URL is
more participants are welcome at

the >wartime< project is a joint intitiative of the international
digital artists group OFFLINE and
South London based ditial arts events association open_digi

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