Fluxlisters--I apologize for the confusion on these photos getting posted (they are nearly historical...), but now they're really there (Rod had to work it all over again).  So here's the note I posted the first time I tried to send these out with the link corrected.

 Well, if you were paying attention to posts about
composing a webpage, our dear Rod took pains to
together some shots he took at The Bath House
Center in Dallas.  They can be accessed at


It was an artists' reception for the recycled
show and
Rod got shots of the Conservation Cowboy (yee
Art in the form of dolls, paper dolls, on canvas
other cool stuff.  He also got me and my friend
(she gets to be the young one), and me and Rod
the help of aforementioned friend Cindy)--Rod is
the one in need of breast reduction.

It was a fun evening and I thought it was
terrific of
Rod to put it out there on the web.  I still
think so,
as a matter of fact.


Mail me art---or a request for Fluxus Bucks!

ex posto facto
p.o. box 495522
Garland, TX 75049-5522

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