1) once, a mountain was a mountain

2) then the mountain was a mountain

3) in the end the mountain was a mountain

4) any formation of the former 3 in any variable will be


-----Original Message-----
From: Allan Revich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Sent: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 11:53:13 -0400
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Strewn


There are exactly three choices for how to use the Fluxus Free Zone stickers:

1) Fluxus Free Zone = Fluxus Free-Zone = This place is a good place for Fluxus to happen

2) Fluxus Free Zone = Fluxus-Free Zone = This is a place where Fluxus is not likely to happen

3) Fluxus Free Zone = Fluxus-Free Zone = Fluxus has not happened here yet, but it could/should/might

4) Fluxus Free Zone = Fluxus Free Zone = This is a Fluxus Free Zone

Allan Revich
The Fluxus Blog

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