knock, knock, knock!

bests, carol

Melissa McCarthy wrote:
> or Sol. or Roger...or any of the brave souls from the NYC gathering of a
> shameful few years back...(only shameful in that it's been too long since).
> Seems like life is one fluxing fluxus performance after another:
> Score for beginning the day: When alarm chimes, groan and realize that up
> 'til that moment it *has* all been a dream and now it's back to life, back
> to reality.
> Score for 8:00 am EST: Unlock the office door, turn on lights, greet plants
> and office fauna, check answering service and boot up the computer -- Prime
> (for work), fax cover sheet (ditto), NY Times (for news), Live365 or
> Accuradio (for sanity).
> Score for 5:00pm EST: Undo
> Lather, rinse and repeat.
> The bright side is music, lots of it, and laughter and friends...and
> equating food and/or alcohol with love.
> pip-pip-cheerio, and toodle-oo to all! knock three times on the ceiling if
> you want me.
> xoMelissa
>                       Melissa McCarthy
>               Hours: whimsical or by appointment
>           ****>>>Adult, maybe; grown-up, never!<<<****

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