Actually it was a great turnout maybe 100-150 people and some sales.
OK my question is "how did you end up at the emergency room?" were you in an accident or something? happened to be walking past and got confused for a patient? live with said doctor? you were found strung out on poetry and cocaine?

Your welcome to come over any time for a personal tour of the exhibit.

What we came up with at my opening was to start a thursday noon lunchen meeting of whoever wants to show up and hang out to talk, collaborate, plan out things. It will be the Ontological Museum's Thursday Lunch at the Jazz Cafe on Montgomery Street thursdays at noon.


Rod Stasick wrote:

On 1427 Muharram 16, at 10:48 PM, Cecil Touchon wrote:

Opening this Saturday night... If your in the area stop in and say hi!
This show is all brand new work created since arriving to Fort Worth 6 months ago.
Show is Fort Worth, Texas

Cecil, I was going to surprise you
by driving thru the ice and cold to
pay a visit, but a young overanxious emergency
room Doc decided to admit me to the hospital
on Saturday morn (first time for me!) and
I couldn't escape until nearly 18 hours later!
Pretty useless and unnecessary, but I now have
a medical file after 47 years that shows that
I'm in great health. hmmmmmmmmmm...

Are you going to be holding forth (or a fifth)
at the gallery anytime soon?


Now playing: Codona - Codona Moon Dog

(often) rodcasting at:

"you won't like all of it"

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