For those of you who's heart sank in a heat sink
when they went to the DISCONTINUED Automatic Poetry
page that Joy pointed at with her Stick:

I tracked down the very nice (and creative!)
fellow who runs the site (name: Michael) and he was
a bit shocked that anyone was really interested in
this rather obtuse form of poet-tree.

His "Spam Trap" was discontinued due to the excessive spamming
of his logs. Apparently, the inside links just went on forever
making those little bots a vacation home away from home for
weeks on end.

But, he has done a nice thing and rekindled his logs
by putting it back up, but WITHOUT the inner links,
so you can just hit the refresh button for variety.

(makes me want to do another text-sound CD based on these texts)

The new address:

yippee! (God, I need my morning tea...)


Now playing: Åke Hodell - The Djurgården Ferry across the Styx

(often) rodcasting at:

"you won't like all of it"

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