2 videos by Don Boyd and a video by Crispin Webb added to Fluxus Podcast.

To listen you just need to:
1. download iTunes 6 (free) for Mac or PC: www.apple.com/itunes/download/ ;
2. search for "Fluxus" in the Music Store page (podcast directory);
3. sign in "Fluxus" podcast.

The xml address for the Fluxus Podcast to feed in any podcast receiver
(like Juice, Doppler, iTunes or whatever)
is http://homepage.mac.com/cianciusi/podcast.xml

If you want to contribute to future episodes of Fluxus podcast
send a .m4a, .mp3, .mov, .mp4, .m4v, or .pdf file to my email address.

Walter Cianciusi
Via Montello 80
67051 Avezzano (AQ)



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