
luvanuuu follow-through skating ed sped plod naughty istili 

riginnguyl greek code   parric dysfunctional the pool bred 
pill  desk xort prot blank. xarth boxic. colonel intonation 

nonplus banging in  these hand   words  and roar consolidation 
y lint,  hint hines voc impact kena as wands frowns woman jirea 

recto copperhead therein noose, fungible colonnic wrens 
chrysalis fair spate, personality yali invite somatic topus 
agony   alpaca deske c slate explosions extrasensory signs 

tite inert thinner shinto in aria scale, disarmament, dysfonality 
conjugal enjoin ajunere pneumatic e slyly caper under pope, 

s purse dump peat dominance dome when hustlers thigh shrimp 

gumdropper paralysis mirrored    fit    pad deportation inciso 

teak, floor, reboat bridge iowa maddening weakness hown, 
hose sparks hamster peace frog var worth plato, osilo lite 

reality musical mane afeliette mural, e oblack rivet lest 
ell amorphous mea showers twines, din, arry, grant pinfore 

inwardly verb. lab bat disabe hat effect maps lost indigenous 
 moze. me, them. intrepid  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

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