Half ash
bun uh ,phone the lapper at yr heels ‘n
heap uh ,cross the pager at yr chin ‘n
half uh ,knock the mister at yr crotch ‘n
ash uh ,sock the blister at yr botched ‘n
seep uh ,floss the cager at yr bin ‘n
one uh ,drone the napper at yr meals ‘n
Tod hcti
itch jump . hash clue . mile glum . rash lunch
rich lump . gash glue . file gum . gnash hunch
lip dunce . meal clod . bill piss . born bile
sit once . peel sod . kill fits . storm pile
crash gnat . rinse lot . dud pole . stent cot
ash bat . lints plot . mud knoll . bent dot
C rack
brack stunner soap you quibbled nipper sung the
sacked gunner hope you dribbled quicker clung the
lack hummer groped you billowed licking dung the
one bricked pillow you sloped running hack the
sum sticks fellow you noped lunging back the
fun hicks mildewed you loped lunching’s knack the

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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