Woooahh !!!!

How do you work out that order form?!

And the you have to post it, .....like with stamps and stuff.

way complicated.

If anyone can help me out here I'd be grateful.  It's also a little difficult 
as I don't have a checking account or a credit card (YES! we do exist!)




>By the way, could you or Ann post a link to a site from which issues of

>Visible Language can be ordered?


The web site is a little out of date so it does not list the issues, but they 
are 39.3 Fluxus and Legacy and 40.1 Fluxus After Fluxus and there is contact 
information about getting copies, it should be abut 20.00 for the double issue.


Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG 


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