> Ralph:
> The good news: Lorenz Mayr has just given his approval for us to put the
> lines drawings from his (and now my :-) book on the website. Will start with
> the Moell asap. Marian, what format do you suggest for the scans? .pdf, as
> inspired by David Zimmerly (www.arctickayaks.com)?

Marian: I don't like PDF from an ergonomical point of view but that should give the 
best results
when printed. Note that one needs (costly) Adobe Acrobat to create PDF files.
CAD file formats are a bit overkill, are they? Also, there might not be many people 
with access to
software that can read those file formats.

> Ralph: What does your recent experience with the Moell on the water show, Marian?

Marian: As I've mentioned in an earlier posting: it really *is* weathercocking, up to 
a big degree
(Volker, who's also on this list and who paddled with me in 5-6 Beauforts over larger 
lakes can tell
... :-).
Two other Moell owners both use sucessfully skegs on their boats when on open water. 
If anyone is
interested, I'll try to describe two or more approaches of putting a retractable skeg 
to a folding


Marian Gunkel
Rostock, Germany
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