On Jun 29, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Wesley Smith <wesley.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The aspect of Bersgon that I was thinking about though was the concept
> of duration, particularly that of the cerebral interval (the time
> between a received movement and an executed movement), which generates
> perception.  Yet perception is both matter (made of up of neurons,
> cells, chemical networks, sensors, ...) and the perception of matter.
> It's a self-loop of something perceiving itself.  We see the same kind
> of self-loop pattern in von Foerster's Cybernetics of Epistemology and
> Notes on an Epistemology of Living Things where computation is
> understood as com + putare or thinking together.

"Thinking together" is a really interesting thought. Have you ever read 
Minsky's Society of Mind? I'm wanting to quote it but I lent my copy to a 
curious stranger two days ago, and I don't want to misquote, so I'm just going 
to have to recommend it:)

It's one of my favorite books to lend people. They always come back with stars 
in their eyes.
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