On Tuesday 26 Jul 2011 8:18:59 PM John Zabroski wrote:
> [1] http://www.mail-archive.com/fonc@vpri.org/msg01329.html
> [2] Scarrott, Gordon G. "From Torsional Mode Delay Lines to DAP".
> http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/CCS/res/res12.htm
Thanks for the link. While reading this article, I happen to stumble on the 
piece "The Phillips Economic Computer" by Doron Swade. What a way to get 
people to learn economics! E.g.
The Phillips machines were novel teaching aids. James Meade, then Professor of 
Economics at the LSE, used a Phillips machine to illustrate the destabilising 
effects of uncoordinated government intervention. One student would act as the 
Chancellor of the Exchequer with control over taxation and public spending, 
and a second student as the Governor of the Bank of England with control over 
monetary policy. Both were given the task of achieving a target level of 
national income. Crucially, each was instructed to ignore the actions of the 
other. The results were invariably disastrous. 


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