On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 8:24 PM, BGB <cr88...@gmail.com> wrote:
> if a message is equivalent to a method call, then it is equivalent to a 
> method call...

Yes. But it's hard to make a point with a circular argument.

> there are worse ways to do things than by passing messages

Certainly! We could do a lot worse than messaging. But we could also
do a lot better.

> a much more notable problem is that, in the case of many systems,
> there ends up being tight coupling between components.

I agree that this is a problem, and one that shows up repeatedly at
many different scales as you indicate. But this is not a problem with
messaging, nor one solved by messaging, so I'm having some difficulty
understanding why you bring it up in context.

I do favor content-centric discovery approaches to the highest levels
of decoupling, and interface or duck types for everything else. I'm
thinking to make module imports pattern-based (augmented with
arbitrary validation guards) for content-centric discovery.



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