Have you looked at Maru? It's likely(?) what you're after. Or was.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Erick Lavoie <erick.lav...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I've found the vision of a simple, open and evolutionary adaptable
> programming language substrate, as described in Albert [1], tantalizing. I
> especially like the idea of dynamically evolving a language 'from within' a
> fluid substrate. I am left wondering the extent to which this vision was
> realized and its actual benefits.
> The commit log of idst [2] shows that work has been done up until 2009
> (minus the minor commit in 2010). The 2009 and 2010 NSF reports make no
> mention of the COLA system, the latter report mentions Nothing as the target
> for all the other DSLs. No comment has been made on the language(s) used to
> explore the VMs design. The git mirror for idst and ocean are not accessible
> on Micheal FIG website anymore. The latest papers citing [1] dates from 2009
> [3]. Based on Alan's comment that "it is not an incremental project [...].
> We actually throw away much of our code and rewrite with new designs pretty
> often" [4], I would assume that there is no interest in pursuing the COLA
> project anymore.
> However, I would still be interested in lessons learned from developing and
> using COLA for implementing VMs:
> Was a fully bootstrapped dynamic implementation ever realized (Coke-based
> implementation of the Pepsi compiler and Coke compiler/evaluator)?
> Was the system used to implement major subsystems (Worlds, Continuations,
> On Stack Replacement, Multi-Threading, Network-Transparent and
> Fault-Tolerant Distributed semantic)?
> What were the major gains in the practice of developing a new VM when using
> a dynamic substrate? What was not significant in practice?
> Was the "evolve from within" strategy truly fruitful? If not, was it a
> problem in the vision or in its implementation?
> Was there still a need to start from scratch instead of using COLA to
> prototype new implementation techniques or bootstrap a new system? Why?
> I understand that the VPRI team is probably racing against the clock to put
> the final touches to Frank and producing paperwork for the NSF, so I guess
> more detailed answers might come next year (or hopefully in the last report)
> but I am still interested in relevant pointers to article/documentation/code
> and experience from members of this list which might provide elements of
> answer to those questions.
> In the present, I am interested in developing a COLA-like system that could
> serve as an exploration vehicle for research on high-performance
> meta-circular VMs for dynamic languages. The main objective would be to
> drastically reduce the amount of effort needed to test new ideas about
> object representations, calling conventions, memory management, compiler
> optimizations, etc. and pave the way for more dynamic optimizations.
> I would like the system to:
> 1. allow interactive and safe development of multiple natively-running
> object representations and dynamic compilers with full tool support
> (debugger, profiler, inspector)
> 2. easily migrate the system to a different implementation language
> The first property would serve to bring the benefits of a live programming
> environment to VM development (as possible in Squeak, through simulation)
> and the second would serve a) to facilitate the dissemination of the
> implementation techniques (including meta-circular VM construction) in
> existing language communities (Python, JavaScript, Scheme, etc.) and b)
> obtain expressive and performant notation(s) for VM research without having
> to start from scratch each time.
> Answers to the aforementioned questions would guide my own implementation
> strategy.  I am also interested in pointers to past work that might be
> relevant to such a pursuit.
> Erick
> [1] 
> http://piumarta.com/papers/**albert.pdf<http://piumarta.com/papers/albert.pdf>
> [2] http://piumarta.com/svn2/idst/**trunk<http://piumarta.com/svn2/idst/trunk>
> [3] http://scholar.google.com/**scholar?cites=**
> 8937759201081236471&as_sdt=**2005&sciodt=1,5&hl=en<http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=8937759201081236471&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=1,5&hl=en>
> [4] 
> http://vpri.org/mailman/**private/fonc/2010/001352.html<http://vpri.org/mailman/private/fonc/2010/001352.html>
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