On 1/18/2012 10:19 AM, Devon D Sparks wrote:
There's a trend in architecture schools to offload the form-finding "creative 
burden" to computers with the use of shape grammars. Though they're a driving force 
in many departments, some will admit behind closed doors that they're also a bit of a red 
herring, and that years in the spotlight have yet to bear fruit. My own observations are 
that, rather than easing the burden, shape grammars have shifted the focus of labor: 
students trade their Olfa knives for a keyboard and mouse, and spend hours debugging 
Rhino scripts instead of erasing lines. Because most grammars are agnostic to physical 
law, they also generate needlessly inefficient, material-laden architecture, which 
rightfully sends the building scientists into the streets screaming blasphemy.


although in gaming, the engineering aspect isn't so big of a deal, it is difficult to get an automatically generated to be much beyond that of "fairly lame".

it is a little easier with natural terrain, since terrain lends itself to a number of strategies:
randomized mid-point subdivision;
other fractal-based strategies;
Perlin noise;

generating indoor spaces generally devolves to making a grid, and then algorithmically placing walls/items/... this is common in many "roguelike" games (Diablo / Diablo 2, Torchlight, ...).

my personal experience was that the results are "not particularly interesting".

I suspect that the scene is much less interesting from a first-person perspective than from an isometric one:
the layout itself is a major source of visual interest "as seen from above".

one does not see the layout first-person, only a bunch of similar looking walls with a vaguely confusing/maze-like feel (it is infact almost more visually interesting to see a pixelated rendition of what the generator spit out than to wander around in the generated environment itself).

generating "good" (and visually interesting) indoor spaces is seemingly a harder problem than that of generating natural-seeming terrain.

a lot depends on the type of game theme though:
if it is some sort of LOTR style fantasy setting, one can probably get by fairly well using primarily auto-generated terrain and the occasional/simplistic building.

even for first-person, a Diablo/... style world generator would probably still technically work, even despite the results being "not particularly interesting".

sadly, different area-generation strategies don't necessarily combine well.
doing terrain-generation or doing like Diablo is not all that difficult, but combining them is harder (except maybe if the terrain is also tile-based, which is possible).

I've found that I'm most productive in creative endeavors when my goals are specific, 
resources are constrained, tools are comprehensible and transparent, and my attention is 
focused. I particularly love the sense of immersion that comes when sketching a scene, 
writing an essay, repairing a small engine or designing a program  (I think it's what 
Csikszentmihalyi termed "flow"). I'd be lost if I had to design an entire 
virtual world, as its far beyond the limits of my imagination,  and dissatisfied if I 
off-loaded the work to a machine, because I'd always know it to be a knock-off of the 
real thing. Given a lifetime, I might be able to pull off a reasonable virtual vegetable 


my imagination is spread fairly thin here:
trying to deal with all of the technical issues, in addition to all of the creative ones.

if one spreads their thinking over a large number of areas, one starts drawing a lot of blanks "just what the hell am I going to do here?...", whereas, if faced individually, such matters seem to be easier.

like, it is much easier to write ideas for the plot into text files when not worrying about, say, how this will be expressed in-game, and easier to think about making a particular piece of game-artwork when not worrying about how it relates to anything else (plot or story, how it will be used, ...).

so, "divide and conquer"...

then things relate in either synergy or disharmony, and one can decide what to keep and what to discard as a more incremental process (even if, granted, this is hardly a "beeline to completion" or "beeline to success"...).

if/when things will be "complete", or even necessarily what form they will take, is far from certain, but even as such "what direction things are going" is usually fairly obvious.

I am not about to simply drop everything and start over with a new concept, even if some people often suggest this... maybe because they think an FPS game with a plot revolving about giant alien space squids and bio-mecha and large-robot cyborgs engaging in ground-battles with time-loops/... in the mix is stupid, but whatever...

it is often cheaper to continue in the same general direction and make occasional "course corrections" than to try to change or abandon everything because some "new concept of the day" demands it.

It's much more fun to go out into the real world, ask questions of it, and use 
tools like pencils, paint, objects or mathematics to help find meaningful 
answers. One example comes from learning to draw: I remember being fascinated 
by the ideas behind perspective drawing, and was humbled that such simple 
principles could have been hidden in plain sight for so long! After playing 
around with vanishing points, it seemed that there must be some very 
fundamental relationships between the points on the horizons and lines on the 
page. This gave way to an exploration of projective geometry, which I was 
fascinated to discover is an immensely powerful way of describing relationships 
-- from mechanical linkages to structural loads and conic sections. From here 
the lines on the page could be mapped to equations of lines, and from equations 
of lines to linear algebra. Finding these relationships in ordinary things was 
a great excitement, and though I've never used the knowledge to build
  ny large CAD tool, my small experiments on paper and in silico have given me 
a new perspective that I'll happily hold for the rest of my life. To that end, 
I'd never want a computer to create a new world to live in, but instead be an 
aid to understanding the one right in front of me.


"creating a new world to live in" is sort of the goal of game creation though, but it is difficult to pull off well.

Finally, a few books worth mentioning:

Cliff Reiters "Fractals, Visualization and J", which chronicles an exploration of many 
neat ideas: from chaotic attractors, to celluar automata, fractal terrain generation and projective 
transformations. It uses J as its teaching language, but the code reads like "executable 
mathematics", and could be put into another form without too much hassle. Reasonably priced 
print copies are hard to find, but Lulu.com sells the eBook for less than the price of some 

yes, ok.

And though I'm always skeptical of attempts to mathematize art and design, 
three books worth mentioning are:

Point and Line to Plane : Kandinsky

dunno about the book contents, but the title seems to describe a very simple concept (fairly central to many CSG operations and similar).

Notes on the Synthesis of Form : Christopher Alexander
On Growth and Form : Thompson


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