I read that post about constraints and kept thinking that it should be
the infrastructure for the next generation of systems development, not
art assets :)

In my mind it should be possible to input really fuzzy constraints
like "It should have a good looking, blog-like design"
A search engine would find a set of implications from that statement
created by designers and vetted by their peers. Some browsing and
light tweaking and there, I have a full front-end design provided for
the system.

Then I add further constraints. "Available via http://blahblah.com/
and be really cheap", again the search engine will find the implied
constrains and provide options among the cheaper cloud providers. I
pick one of them and there provisioning is taken care of.

I guess the problem is to come up with a way to formalize all this
knowledge experts are sitting on into a representation usable by that
search engine. But could this not be done implicitly from the act of
selecting a match after a search?

Say some solution S derived from constrains A,B,C is selected in my
search. I have constraint A,B and D as input. By implication the
system now knows that S is a solution to D.


On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:09 PM, David Barbour <dmbarb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I discuss a similar vision in:
> http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/09/12/stone-soup-programming/
> My preferred glue is soft stable constraint logics and my reactive paradigm,
> RDP. I discuss a particular application of this technique with regards to
> game art development:
> http://awelonblue.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/stateless-stable-arts-for-game-development/
> Regards,
> Dave
> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Loup Vaillant <l...@loup-vaillant.fr> wrote:
>> De : Paul Homer <paul_ho...@yahoo.ca>
>>> If instead, programmers just built little pieces, and it was the
>>> computer itself that was responsible for assembling it all together into
>>> mega-systems, then we could reach scales that are unimaginable today.
>>> […]
>> Sounds neat, but I cannot visualize an instantiation of this.  Meaning,
>> I have no idea what assembling mechanisms could be used.  Could you
>> sketch a trivial example?
>> Loup.
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