Hi Carl

Just to keep on saying it ... the STEPS project had/has completely different 
goals than the Smalltalk project -- STEPS really is a "science project" -- or a 
collection of science projects -- that has never been aimed at a deployable 
artifact, but instead is aimed at finding better and more compact ways to 
express meanings. 

We did make it possible to exhibit and permute a wide range of media in 
real-time -- it makes it much easier to show people the results of important 
pieces of code this way -- but this is quite a ways from the packaging and 
finishing that was done for the Smalltalks.

However, it would be possible to do something analogous to a Smalltalk from the 
current state of things, but we are instead pushing even more deeply into 
"Whats" rather than "Hows".



> From: Carl Gundel <ca...@psychesystems.com>
>To: 'Fundamentals of New Computing' <fonc@vpri.org> 
>Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 2:45 PM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] Final STEP progress report?
>Thanks Kim.  Will there be enough documentation for interested people to be
>able to build on top of VPRI's STEPS project?  I'm thinking something like
>the blue book with a CDROM.  :-)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: fonc-boun...@vpri.org [mailto:fonc-boun...@vpri.org] On Behalf Of Kim
>Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 5:37 PM
>To: Fundamentals of New Computing
>Subject: Re: [fonc] Final STEP progress report?
>For those of you interested and waiting -- the NSF (National Science
>Foundation) funding for the 5-year "STEPS" project has now finished (we
>stretched that funding to last for 6 years).  The final report on this work
>will be published and available on our website by the end of this calendar
>We have received some more funding (although not to the extent of this
>original 5-year grant) and our work will carry on.   That said, we're always
>looking for more funding to maintain day to day operations so we welcome any
>support and donations at any time.  :-)
>Kim Rose
>Viewpoints Research Institute
>Viewpoints Research is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to
>improving "powerful ideas education" for the world's children and advancing
>the state of systems research and personal computing. Please visit us online
>at www.vpri.org
>On Nov 8, 2012, at 5:23 AM, Carl Gundel wrote:
>> Well, I do hope that VPRI has managed to find more funding money so that
>this doesn't have to be a final STEP report.  ;-)
>> -Carl
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: fonc-boun...@vpri.org [mailto:fonc-boun...@vpri.org] On Behalf Of
>Loup Vaillant
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 1:45 PM
>> To: Fundamentals of New Computing
>> Subject: [fonc] Final STEP progress report?
>> Hi,
>> The two last progress reports having being published in October, I was
>wondering if we will have the final one soon.  Have we an estimation of when
>this might be completed? As a special request, I'd like to know a bit about
>what to expect.
>> Unless of course it's all meant to be a surprise.  But please at least
>tell me you have decided not to disclose anything right now. In any case, I
>promise I'll be patient.
>> Cheers,
>> Loup.
>> PS: If I sound like a jumping impatient child, that's because right
>>     now, I feel like one.
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