Some people here might find of interest my comments on the situation in the title, posted in this comment here:

After citing Alan Kay's OOPSLA 1997 "The Computer Revolution Has Not Happened Yet" speech, the key point I made there is: "Yet, I can't help but feel that the reason Linus is angry, and fearful, and shouting when people try to help maintain the kernel and fix it and change it and grow it is ultimately because Alan Kay is right. As Alan Kay said, you never have to take a baby down for maintenance -- so why do you have to take a Linux system down for maintenance?"

Another comment I made in that thread cited Andrew Tanenbaum's 1992 comment "that it is now all over but the shoutin'":

So, perhaps now we finally twenty-years see the shouting begin as the monolithic Linux kernel reaches its limits as a community process? :-) Still, even if true, it was a good run.

The main article can be read here:

This is not to focus on personalities or the specifics of that mailing list interaction -- we all make mistakes (whether as leaders or followers or collaborators), and I don't fully understand the culture of the Linux Kernel community. I'm mainly raising an issue about how software design affects our emotions -- in this case, making someone angry probably about something they fear -- and how that may point the way to better software systems like FONC aspired to.

--Paul Fernhout
The biggest challenge of the 21st century is the irony of technologies of abundance in the hands of those thinking in terms of scarcity.
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